So I went up to the wineries in Swan Valley on Saturday for this festival called "Spring in the Valley".
I think it originally was a small thing but now its gotten very huge and spans over like a week. So I went up with my roommate Matt and a bunch of his friends and had a blast. And like lots of other people we rented a bus that drove us there and back so nobody had to drive and we could all have as much wine as we'd like.
It was a fun day with lots of wine, sun, laughs, music and more wine.
Here's Kim, Matt and Rowan on hte bus ride up.

Our first of 3 stops, there are many wineries but we only made it to a few but that's good cause they all had lots going on at each.

We took a seat by the grapes and river on the grass

Stop #2 had a live band outside, of course more drinks and dancing.

And it had a red bull tent....although i never actually went over to see what was there.

There was also Sumo wrestling you could do, I believe that's Matt and Craig going at it.

We were all clowning about and the pile on came right after this photo.

Kim and Rowan spent the night before making us shirts for the day out. They were great and peopl loved them, they kept taking our pictures! I'm so gonna wear it out in the city. U see here what the guys and girls shirts said on the back, the fronot just had S.I.T.V 2006 (spring in the valley)

Winery #3 and still a packed cowd.

Here's our gang that was on the bus taking our group shot at end of the day.

And on ride back the mic was passed around for jokes and such on pa system.

Then once got back to city we went out to the bars and kept having fun till about midnight, well thats when I crashed but a couple went out longer. I broke my phone at bar and now need to buy new one, oh well it was crappy cheap one anyways. Had slight headache when woke up the next morning and little sun burn by edge of hair where missed sunscreen but all in all a great day out and can't wait to go back next year.
Hi Geoff,
Just catching up on your latest blogs, and wishing I were 25 again! What a life! Keep it up, and never slow down.
We plan to get to Oz as soon as possible, and if we have half the fun you do, I'll be happy. Missed it at 25, but will put on our backpacks and do it at 60....
So glad you are having a blast - your friends sound lots of fun, and the parties look fantastic. Loved the winery day pics - we will certainly do that one!
Really enjoy your blog, so keep in touch with all us poor sods at home. You can be OUR inspiration!
Hope your Mom and Dad get out there one of these days. In the meantime, they are joining us in Hawaii next week (too bad we don't have more time - we are already halfway to Oz).
We look forward to seeing you at Christmas.
Love, Dave and Joy
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