So Matt and I got a 3rd roommate, its been almost 2 months now, Maria who is from Sweden. Interested in how we acquired her. My mate Tom in Melbourne net her in New Zealand some months ago on a ski trip and gave her his number to look him up when she makes it to Australia. So she went to his birthday shin-dig but was on her way over to Perth becasue she heard good things about the diving here (she's a dive master and was looking for related work). So he brilliantly gave her my number to look me up over here (well he did as first if he could give the swede my I would say no to that!). So we met for a drink and showed her around a little and I offered her to crash with us for a week or so while she looks for work. She found work at a dive shop and decided to stay with us (she fell in love with us and couldn't leave) even though not best location for public transport so bought her self a bicycle to get around when she doesn't sucker us into giving her lifts.
So that's how it all came to be. Since then She joined a Ceroc dance class which both myself and Matt have joined her (fun times), ate out at restaurants more and of course the obligatory partying. She's such a bad influence making us drink gin and wine and taking us out......oh wait its the other way around, we've sucked her into having drinks and hitting the town so many times...we're slowly corrupting her to the dark side...haha. Ah she loves it but we definitely all keeping busier nowadays since she's arrived, having dinners the 3 of us and going to dance class and going out to clubs to dance, much fun!
So here she is, I was in my gotee phase for a week here.

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