So before I left Maria and Claire (Matt's little sister) bought me a xmas gift of a chest wax. I've joked about it in the past but never thought I'd actually get one. But they thought it would be a good idea and that I would look better. So since it was all paid for already I decided to do it, this was a bot 3 weeks ago now.
The before shot.

The during.

Still during.

And after.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be in my head or like in the movie 40 year old virgin like everyone said. It was getting ripped out after 26 years so i felt it and few places made me yelp like down near the jock line and around nipples. But hey I did like the look after but not something I'll do regularly but maybe again. I was a little pink for few days but I have some scrub to use that helped.
Now 3 weeks later its slowly growing back in but still looks ok.
Now the 26th of January is Australia Day here (same equivalent as Canada Day). So nice holiday and great day to spend outside, it was a little hot though, about 40-42C if I remember right. I went down to the river for a couple hours with few people and then back to a/c apt to clean up and cool off from heat and sun. Then went with Matt and Maria on a boat for the evening of drinking, bbq and great view point for the fireworks of downtown. (Maria works at dive shop so she got us tickets to go out on the dive boat which was lovely)
Forgot to take a picture of the actual boat but here's what I have. This is the little life raft being pulled behind.

The inside, I did say it was normally a dive boat.

Looking up the side towards the city.

People lounging out talking and having drinks.

The skipper at the controls.

We all brought our own food but one of the dive guys was the cook for the night.

My attempt at an artsy shot.

The 3 of us. (Myself wedged in between the couple)

We were nice distance off of fireworks but they are awesome! The go off a barge in the river and also off the top of the sky scrapers in downtown. There was also lightning just of to a short distance that was maybe even more magnificent thatn the actual fireworks itself.

Just few days ago went out for Chris's (Teele's boyfriend - one in brown shirt on right side of photo) 21st. We had a nice barbie down by the water and then went to Carnegie's for half price cocktails.

The awesome free outdoor Australian bbq's!!