Time for a big massive update of pictures over the past few months.
Went to my friend Amanda's cocktail party at end of May although realized I forgot to take many pictures. Here's Liz and Jade who I dragged along with me.

All the glorious cocktail ingredients.

End of June at the Leederville Hotel, just after the all finished their exams if I remember correctly. Here's Liz and me:

Brett and Liz eating

Whoops caught you again, haha.

Had a small gathering at our place for Matt's birthday and Maria's return from fruit picking at the first week of July.

Where's the fashion sense girls!!! LOL!!

Matt's mates doing some crazy dancing.

First week of August went to a quiz night held by the archeology department.
Brett and myself:

Liz and Bradie:

Wendy and Alex:

Liz's big 21st birthday bash was in hte middle of August. We took a limo over to the Windsor Hotel.

Cherie (one of Liz's housemates) and her boyfriend Allen.

Liz and me

Kalo (other housemate of Liz's) posing with her boyfriend Heath with Brett, Jade and Michelle making faces behind them.

About 40 or so people came for her birthday, mix of friends, family and family friends.
Here's a few of the boys (Rodney, Silva and Bothe):

Liz and her family friends

Jade and Emily doing some speeches for her, nothing too embarrassing though, shucks...

Liz getting her sister to help cut the cakes since at this point of the night that task is a little too difficult if you understand, haha.

Us youngings chatting away till the end.

2 weeks ago went to Emily's 21st. Here people are hanging around the heater on a cool night (Liz, Hollee, Brett and Tiff)

The birthday girl Emily and myself

Nick is so dark after working up norht doing surveying.

Us again

The boys:
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