Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'll be home for the holidays everybody!!!!

So I leave here on Monday, spend 2 days in Sydney and then arrive in Montreal on Thurs Dec 7th. I don't leave till Jan 2nd but not going to be in town the entire time then.

Dec 9th -> Dec 13 I'll be in Philadelphia to see my cousin Matt.
Lots of catching up, drinking, catching a Flyer's game and who knows what else trouble we'll get into. I hope his wife is ready, we often get a little crazy together.

Then I'm back in Montreal till 21st when I leave for Florida with my family for a Caribbean cruise.

I'll be back Dec 29th.

So then New Years bash at home with the old gang before one last trivia game and then jump on a 30hr plane ride home (Montreal-Vancouver-Sydney-Perth).

I haven't had New Years at home in 3yrs, last year I was in Perth and before that in Rome.

It's gonna be one hell of a trip!!!

Anyways see you all very soon!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

So it was Hollee and Teele's birthday this past Tuesday, they both turned 20. Teele obviously couldn't come out being a new mommy at home with responsibility. So we went out Monday night for to celebrate with Hollee to the Deen in the city. She had a good time, little drunk but aren't we all on our birthdays. I was the sober one of the group since I had work the next day but I had to come out to celebrate.
There were some sailors we found there from Norway and we got Hollee to go dance with them.She stole one of their jackets and was very happy.
She got a salute....i think she liked it.
End of night fun me, Tess, Kate, Wendy and Bradie.....all kicking it up on the dance floor.
Stu, Hollee, Kate, random guy, Bradie and Wendy.

Shortly after Hol got kicked out for being too drunk so we all left, she wasn't taht back but she was falling over when dancing and that's a sign of drunkenness to security. Ah well still a fun night out!!

Today Sat 25th going to Teele's for barbie and pool party with the whole gang, it'll be fun fun fun. I'll put up some picture later.

So last Sunday the 19th was the Red Bull Air Race in Perth. It's kinda like the Formula 1 of Air Racing. Fast little planes that fly around a course of pylons. This was the first time the race has come to Perth and I think they signed a contract for a few years. This was the last race of the season after racing in San Francisco, Istanbul, England, etc...
It was a great day for the races, bright and sunny. I put on sunscreen but realized at the end of the day that I missed a few spots and had burns in spots here and there, it looked quite funny actually (my hands, feet, shoulder and inside of arms....I'll never learn).

Here's one of the helicopters. There were a few of them in the sky to videotape the event for live tv, there were like 16 cameras between the air and ground to televise it all.Here's our gang that came to watch the event: Hollee and her friends Wendy, Liz, Brett etc and Maria and Matt and his parents.
As you can see there were a ton of people to watch the event along the both foreshore.
The pre-show of the race had various planes and jets flying by.
Plus some parachutists the droped down with flags and smoke canisters attached to their legs for effects.
Here are a few pictures of the race. If you click on them you should be able to enlarge them and see them better. It was awesome to to them race around the track.

A similar plane from the race shown on display.
Our gang at the end of the day, Hollee and her gang had left but a few of Matt's friends Rowen, Hope and Kim showed up. Oh and the other guy was Maria ex who came to visit for the weekend and go to this dance party, a little awkward moments for her but we helped her get through it, nothing that a little alcohol can't fix....he he.

I got invited to this beach party by a couple of the girls form Ceroc I made friends with. It was called Dusk till Dawn (obviously from sunset to sunrise). So I met them at their place (turned out 7 girls of them going...yeah me!). So we got to this beach just outside of city where cool little setup by the DJ with lights and whatnot. I just brought some red bulls since was tired and we danced on the sand to the beat and chilled by the fire. Not too big either which is good, maybe 80 people. I only took a couple shots and didn't turn out so well at night but here they are anyways. We stayed until about 1am and then the girls got tired but that was ok with me to get some shut eye. Dropped them off and went home.

We finally got Teele out for almost the 1st time in a year, with the pregnancy and all. She got her big sister Sarah to babysit while herself, Chris, Hollee and me went out to Carnegie's for Cocktail night, meaning they were half price.Myself and the 3 beautiful twins, holle left and Teele right.
Don't they look so cute and cuddly together.
The colorful cocktails...
More fancy cocktails...
Me trying them all at once...
Ah the happy love birds
Not a good shot of the guy Hollee picked up with a little help from Teele (what are sisters for eh), tried to catch them pashing but it was hard...

So Matt and I got a 3rd roommate, its been almost 2 months now, Maria who is from Sweden. Interested in how we acquired her. My mate Tom in Melbourne net her in New Zealand some months ago on a ski trip and gave her his number to look him up when she makes it to Australia. So she went to his birthday shin-dig but was on her way over to Perth becasue she heard good things about the diving here (she's a dive master and was looking for related work). So he brilliantly gave her my number to look me up over here (well he did as first if he could give the swede my I would say no to that!). So we met for a drink and showed her around a little and I offered her to crash with us for a week or so while she looks for work. She found work at a dive shop and decided to stay with us (she fell in love with us and couldn't leave) even though not best location for public transport so bought her self a bicycle to get around when she doesn't sucker us into giving her lifts.

So that's how it all came to be. Since then She joined a Ceroc dance class which both myself and Matt have joined her (fun times), ate out at restaurants more and of course the obligatory partying. She's such a bad influence making us drink gin and wine and taking us out......oh wait its the other way around, we've sucked her into having drinks and hitting the town so many times...we're slowly corrupting her to the dark side...haha. Ah she loves it but we definitely all keeping busier nowadays since she's arrived, having dinners the 3 of us and going to dance class and going out to clubs to dance, much fun!

So here she is, I was in my gotee phase for a week here.I think the 2 of us were out at an Indian restaurant that night and I ordered the very spicy vindaloo...can you tell there's been some drinking.
I think this is after we drank bottle of Bombay and getting ready to hit the dance floor at the casino...doesn't she seem happier...
This is a picture of the ceroc dance class the 3 of us go to. She's advance as she's been doing for couple years but Matt and myself are picking it up fast and having fun time dancing and meeting new people. It's kind of a mix of latin, ballroom, jive and swing. It's made to learn easily and dance to almost any kind of music.