So a couple of friends from back home were in Perth for last 2 months roughly, Joanie (I met her last year backpacking the east coast) and her boyfriend Olivier. They were over to visit the west coast because she never made it here last time. And now they are leaving for a short trip to Thailand before heading back to Montreal.
This is them 2 on the right in photo below, Jon is on left.

Took them to Cottesloe soon after they arrived, the best beach in town!!

Last week went to my friend Za's birthday down at beach for picnic dinner and then we went to Velvet Lounge for some dancing to what I'd call electronica reggae.
Here's a picture of the food after it was demolished.

Some of the birthday celebrating people, the birthday girl is the 2nd from left with blue top in front of the chocolate cake.

Over 10 days there was this abstract art exhibit down on cottesloe beach and I took a few pictures but since I went to see them at night time the shots didn't turn out as nice, still working on my night time photography.

One of my good mates Brett's birthday last week we we took him out to Carnegies after seeing his new place to get him inebriated.
Here's a shot of the bar's alcohol collection looking down from the 2nd floor. They have a ladder that slides to go up and get more of what they need, it's neat setup.

Myself and the very drunk birthday boy!

This past weekend was St Patrick's day so of course we had to go out!!
Myself with Kate on left and Chris on the right (a German friend we made way back)

Drinking much Guinness so we can get our free shirts after 4 of them

Saw an airbounce place and couldn't resist to go jump around for a minute.

On the bar #3 and most of us have our black and white Guinness shirts we earned by now.

Dancing at the Shed.

End of the night up close shot, we were out from about 2pm till midnight, not bad if I dare say!