So last Sunday the 19th was the Red Bull Air Race in Perth. It's kinda like the Formula 1 of Air Racing. Fast little planes that fly around a course of pylons. This was the first time the race has come to Perth and I think they signed a contract for a few years. This was the last race of the season after racing in San Francisco, Istanbul, England, etc...
It was a great day for the races, bright and sunny. I put on sunscreen but realized at the end of the day that I missed a few spots and had burns in spots here and there, it looked quite funny actually (my hands, feet, shoulder and inside of arms....I'll never learn).
Here's one of the helicopters. There were a few of them in the sky to videotape the event for live tv, there were like 16 cameras between the air and ground to televise it all.

Here's our gang that came to watch the event: Hollee and her friends Wendy, Liz, Brett etc and Maria and Matt and his parents.

As you can see there were a ton of people to watch the event along the both foreshore.

The pre-show of the race had various planes and jets flying by.

Plus some parachutists the droped down with flags and smoke canisters attached to their legs for effects.

Here are a few pictures of the race. If you click on them you should be able to enlarge them and see them better. It was awesome to to them race around the track.

A similar plane from the race shown on display.

Our gang at the end of the day, Hollee and her gang had left but a few of Matt's friends Rowen, Hope and Kim showed up. Oh and the other guy was Maria ex who came to visit for the weekend and go to this dance party, a little awkward moments for her but we helped her get through it, nothing that a little alcohol can't fix....he he.
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